Wander Wonder?

  • What? - An easy walk around a Salt Lake City Park, paired with creativity and mindfulness.

  • When? - First Wednesday from 6pm - 8pm and the 3rd Saturday from 10am - noon.

  • Why? - To elevate mental health awareness and create community.


During our Wander and Wonder series we will immerse ourselves in the rhythm of nature while we rehabilitate our intuition and animal instincts. Nature is beautifully complex and creative. After a 30 - 45 minute walk we will create art inspired by nature.

A Mental Healthy Mentor will host and guide attendees on a creative and mindful meander. Everybody can move at their own pace, both in body and mind. Join us for a break from the busy world to engage in some inspiration and motivation for your mental health.

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Why take part in WW?


  • Elevate your mood Reduce stress Improve your cardio system Explore your creativity. Find inspiration in nature. Live courageously.


  • CREATIVE Painful experiences become rocket fuel when expressed as art, play, and music.

  • MINDFUL Nature reminds us that all things change, and all things grow.

  • MOVEMENT Moving your body boosts serotonin, lowers cortisol, and helps regulate your nervous system.

When and Where?

  • Thursday, May 4th 6PM
    Location - International Peace Gardens - 1160 Dalton Ave S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Meet at the entrance of the actual Peace Garden.

    (Note, the date is Thursday not Wednesday due to the Mentally Healthy Fit film festival on Wednesday, May 3rd.)

    Discover Your Wild Rhythm

    On our first walk, we will notice the way we walk. The way a person walks says a lot about them. What does your walk say about you?

    Each participant will be encouraged to play with their walk. Does it feel absurd to walk in strange ways?

    Additionally, we’ll notice the ways animals or birds walk and try to imitate them.

    Art Activity

    Foot Print Art

    We will have the chance to trace our foot and draw our personality within it.

    Saturday May 20th 10 AM

    Location? Liberty Park - 1300 S 700E Corner in the park.

    Planting Seeds of Safety and Support

    We will walk to a stream on this walk. Each participant is invited to interact with water and wash away something they feel ready to release. You are welcome to share or not share what you are releasing.

    Art Activity

    Planting Seeds of Safety and Support

    Just like plants, humans thrive when conditions are best suited for their growth. Humans and plants grow to their fullest potential when they feel cared for, supported, and safe. By planting seeds and nurturing them, you cultivate routines of care and stability for yourself and the planet.

  • Wednesday, June 14th 6PM

    Location? Memory Grove - Andersson Monument - 305-315 A St E, Salt Lake City, UT 84103


    Art Activity

    Nature Photography

    Photographing nature helps us notice the natural beauty in both the micro and macro.

    In nature, the only constant is change. We can notice the beauty in the acceptance of impermanence.

    We’ll be walking through the foothills at golden hour. This is the time of day when the shadows are longer and the spectrum of light illuminates a golden glow in nature.

    Learn from your guide as she offers photography tips to capture the energy of nature through your unique lens.

    Cell phones have great cameras too. All cameras are welcome.

    Bonus, we would love to see and highlight your photos. Email your favorite photos from the walk to brian@mentalhealthyutah.org

    Saturday, June 17th 10 AM

    Location? Wasatch Hollow - 1596 S 1700 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84108

    Forgiveness- for self and other

    Join us on a walk into the eye of the heart. We’ll be talking about the gifts that come from the cringe. Humility is born from humiliation, compassion is the fruit of rage, and forgiveness is the gift inside trauma and pain.

    Art Activity

    Write a forgiveness letter to yourself.

    (Alternate if preferred)

    Stitch an eye into a heart

    Using cardstock, crayons/ markers, string, and a needle.

  • Wednesday, July 5th 6 PM

    Location? Big Cottonwood Park - 4708 1590 E, Millcreek, UT 84117

    Fostering Curiosity

    Life isn’t about having all the answers, it’s about asking the right questions.

    Have you noticed the cosmic repetition in nature? We’re going to be collecting a few leaves, weeds, and/or flowers to create art with after our walk.

    Art Activity


    Cyanotypes are a 19th century technique of analog alternative photography. Pre-coated papers will be ready to turn into art. Simply place what you’ve collected on the paper and watch the sun shine a new light on nature.

    Saturday, July 15th 10 AM

    Location? Wasatch Hollow - 1596 S 1700 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84108

    Reimagining What’s Possible

    Today, as we spend time in nature, we’ll notice, there are no limits. The creative energy that animates our world operates from a limitless source. We too have quantum levels of possible futures available to us. As we walk we will notice just how limitless nature is.

    Art Activity

    Rearrange the letters in your first name in a variety of ways on a blank sheet of paper.

    As you imagine your life free of old limiting beliefs.

Sign up below -it’s FREE!

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