What are Mental Healthy Mentors?

It is time to change the way we treat people with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis. Becoming a mentor helps us end stigma with feet on the ground across all communities.

By taking full day course, you will learn from Mental Healthy Experts on how to help members of your audience, family, community and friends experience a fulfilling life without discrimination.

Being a Mental Healthy Mentor is inspiring, motivating and communicating.


Mental health effects us all. It’s not even 6 degrees of separation. Everyone has a direct connection. Consider becoming a Mental Healthy Mentor if you want to…

  • Understand mental health.

  • Support someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.

  • Communicate in appropriate ways.

  • Advocate in your community.

Issues covered include depression, anxiety, substance use, behavior disorders such as AD/HD, and eating disorders. Mental Healthy Mentors receive a 2 year certificate.


MHMs receive awareness training in all aspects of mental health.

Conversation Starters. Mental Healthy Tip Educards. Mental Healthy Stigma Quiz. Mental Healthy Support Toolkit.

Join the multitude of people that have already become a Mental Healthy Mentor and get your badge today!

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Why sign up for MHM?

Mental health is an important issue for everyone. Believe it or not, that includes your friends and family!

  • 1 in 5 people experience anxiety, depression and stress every year.

  • Stigma and discrimination are an unwanted side effect of already troublesome mental health problems.

  • 60% of students report negative school cultures affecting their mental health. Over half of these youth experience a direct impact on academic performance.

Looking out for people is an important aspect of ending stigma.

  • Are friends using social media differently?

  • Someone seems different or distracted.

  • A colleague is not on top as usual.

  • A family member is saying unhappy things.

  • You’ve noticed things seem off.

  • You want to help yourself.

Mental Healthy Mentors access and have implemented “EduTips” to experience a more confident and expressive life around mental health, leading to improved community environments and helping end stigma.

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What is included for me?

Once signed up, you’ll attend one of the MHM workshops in your area to complete your training and awareness. Then you’’l be qualified to access the Mental Healthy resources to distribute to your audience.

  • All resources listed above for MHMs.

  • Invitations to events on specific topics to improve community interaction.

  • Options for additional specific trainings and partner events.

  • Resource Packs with information on local organizations offering help.

  • A newsletter with tips and community information for all Mental Healthy Mentors.
