Youth suicide awareness

Youth suicide awareness




Between March and May 2022, a group of 8 Utah based LGBTQ youth attended and completed an iteration or Mental Healthy F.i.T’s Authentic Perspective Program developed and presented around LGBTQ Youth Suicide awareness. Made possible and presented by the BW Bastion Foundation.

The Authentic Perspectives Film Production Workshop included a multi-week experience where the students were able to creatively express their story through film by breaking down stereotypes and offering different perspectives. A companion narrative piece was filmed to document the project, the issues addressed, and the goals of these young filmmakers.

The finished creative pieces and film was distributed to be showcased at events around Utah to enhance awareness and communities. The film was also presented as the premiere Mental Healthy F.i.T. film in June to coincide with Pride Month. An Instagram Live presentation was delivered on June 22nd to provide a talkback and Q&A session with the participants and advocates.

Local and national service and assistance resources are included within the events and screenings and the description of the streaming film.

The project can be viewed here

Local and national service and assistance resources are included within the events and screenings and the description of the streaming film. The project can be viewed here According to the Trevor Project, more than 1.8 million LGBTQ youth seriously consider suicide each year in the US. 42 % of all LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year… These rates increase among trans, non-binary, and queer youth of color. LGBTQ youth experience higher instances of depression, bullying, sexual assault, and physical harm…and at least one attempts suicide every 45 seconds. Top Risk Factors Include, LGBTQ-based victimization and anti LGBTQ rhetoric. Parental and familial Rejection. Discrimination in Schools and Social Situations. LGBTQ-based victimization and anti LGBTQ rhetoric. Top Protective Factors Include, Safe/Affirming Spaces. Social and family Support. Supportive Policies and Practices. Respected Identities pronouns, etc. Positive Youth Development. Having 1 supportive adult in life can reduce the risk of Suicide attempt by 40%! Having Access to 1 LGBT0-affirming space reduces the risk by 35%!

National Resources The Trevor Project The Family Acceptance Project National Resources LGBTQ National Help Youth Talkline Suicide Prevention Resource Center – Utah Resources UT Suicide Prevention Coalition HMHI Mental Health Crisis Line 1800 273 8255 801 587 3000 Utah Resources The Suicide Prevention and Service Department UT Pride Center. Safe UT – #LGBTQ #suicide #selfcare #awareness #stigma #survive #live #films #ideas #tips #mentalhealth #pride